China Reverses Video Game Ban Allowing Access to The Cyber Gaming World

March 24, 2014 11:12 AM

Sony Corp, Nintendo and Microsoft have cleverly allured this generations’ youth into the whimsical world of video gaming. One would often wonder as to how these kids get absolutely hooked onto video games such as Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed, League of Legends, Titan Fall and the highly anticipated Infamous Second Son. The gripping graphical feature, combined with its cyber-social engagement, provides for intense entertainment for the younger generation. It is all about being part of the norm of cyber-gaming. The expectations that gamers have with the developers of these games only strengthens their relationship as a cyber-gamer. Developers have provided excellent online features to further enhance their relationship with gamers. The 21st century has seen the dramatic increase of international gamers proclaiming their stance in the world of cyber-gaming.

Cyber Gaming

Countries such as China have recently overturned its 14 year ban on the trade of video gaming consoles. The official claim remains on the basis of protection of the mental health of Chinese youth. The Chinese nation intended on safeguarding its youngsters from the captivation of foreign video games. Surprisingly enough, China’s recent generation have grown up without the faintest idea of the captivity and addiction behind the world’s largest video gaming consoles. China certainly has always been reluctant to assimilate within global standards. Their unwillingness to co-operate has seen them decline socially and economically in globalisation. They are very commonly known for their social restrictions and limitations upon its own people. For instance, its censorship of Facebook controlled people’s freedom to express themselves through the Internet. So the banning of video gaming doesn’t seem that surprising. However, will this so called ‘temporary’ reversal of the ban last?

Will China finally achieve social freedom through cyber-gaming? Are they willing to provide their younger generation a chance to be a part of the ‘international norm’? Video game consolers are going to be facing a tough challenge trying to reach out to a generation that has literally grown up without a Playstation, Xbox and Wii. Chinese youth growing up in the recent decade will probably have no interest whatsoever in the world of video gaming. Therefore, trying to grasp their attention will prove to be an existing challenge for video game developers, Sony Corp, Microsoft and Nintendo. With the existence of internet piracy, developers are concerned over whether interest will ever be acquired in commercial video gaming. It is absolutely effortless for Chinese gamers to illegally obtain video games without having to purchase consoles. During the 14 year ban, gamers relied heavily upon pirated forms in order to satisfy their gaming addiction. Has China really protected their youth’s mental health? Or worsened its state? The booming illegal gaming trade speaks otherwise!

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
