YouTube WatchMe for Android Is Here

October 31, 2014 2:02 PM


2014 is a great year for third-party app developers and Android. On October 28th exactly three days ago, YouTube announced that it will bring live broadcasting to third party apps with the launch of an open source project, “YouTube WatchMe for Android.” For those who use YouTube’s live streaming service, there’s a host of custom encoders and controls. The experimental app from YouTube is designed to include various functions on Android’s interface.

Available on GitHub, this third-party app designed for the Android mobile OS is a referential one that creates a simple YouTube Live Streaming Event,with just a tap. One simply starts the broadcast to YouTube with the push of a button on the phone and another push ends it. Isn’t that smart and simple? Now, the app on GitHub is just a reference, a prototype designed as a tool kit for developers who want to add said feature to their apps. For e.g. apps like mSPot, Xperia with its “Live on YouTube” app and “Re” by HTC can now integrate this feature and offer a “Live” component or focus the webcasts on specific events or news.

Since YouTube is integrated with Google, a +1 invite to Google+ is the best way to recommend and promote the struggling social media platform. Several application program interfaces or APis including the YouTube Data API v3, YouTube Live Streaming API, Google Play Services and Plus API are included and the links are available on YouTube’s official blog. Sync the GitHub repo to get started and then use the Google Developer Console to enable YouTube’s Data API and the Google+’s API, subsequently creating a client ID for Android.

YouTube has another update for gamers. Earlier this year, Susan Wojcicki announced updates related to the fps rate. Limited only to Chrome at least on Windows, the silky smooth 60fps 1080pixels and 720pixels videos have been released as promised. If you are an Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera and Firefot x user, the feature doesn’t work as promised. Hopefully they’ll integrate these services because it is one hell of a treat for game reviewers and subscribers.
